Been working on this a lot lately! I often find myself wondering or second guessing that I'm on the right path with where I need to be in life to fulfill my divine purpose. Working in the modeling industry has definitely added to this because I'm not always sure that the two go hand in hand. But what I do know for certain is that fear will never offer me this trust... In fact, it works quite the opposite by disconnecting me within myself and all around me. Staying out of the fear has opened many doors in allowing confirmation and trust toward the path that I'm on.
It is only when we set aside the fear that fills our minds with garbage that we can hear and take notice of the incredible answers and opportunities that are given to us... Maybe not at the exact time we would like to receive them, but they will always be there as we exercise trust and allow them to be. It is when we practice this, we watch life unfold for our greater good... We are never, ever alone. I feel so much peace and gratitude for this knowledge and also for my own personal challenges and life experiences that continue to teach me every single day. Sending faith, love and TRUST to all my brothers and sisters of the world... May we all continue to let go of our fear and rise to our greatest potential.❤